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The 78 Tarot Cards

There is far more to our lives than what meets the eyes. Most people have some inkling of that, yet refuse to explore it any farther. However, for those of us who choose to, who strive beyond the limitations of the five senses, the tarot deck is a powerful tool. We use the cards as a means to suspend the L brain logic, ego and analytical mind to shift to the R brain, where our intuitive and connected side resides, and where often, we find the answers to our questions. Tarot is an esoteric art form.

What are the 78 Tarot cards? It is a deck of 78 cards that date back to the Renaissance and are primarily used in Fortune Telling or Divination although they share their origin with playing cards. Each card has its own Divination meaning and can be broken up in two parts. Major Arcana with 22 Cards. Minor Arcana with 56 Cards.

I have written this post after in-depth research on the subject of the 78 Tarot card deck and here you will find everything concerning this very interesting and special card deck. Enjoy the tour back in the ages!

The Major Arcana.

The Major Arcana is made up out of 22 cards which are the unsuited Trumps. Each card is representable of a major force and must be taken up seriously in Divination.

Each Card is an Archetype.

Each card in the Major Arena can be best described as an Archetype. That is a situation or symbolic figure of great significance and with a special meaning in the human thought and culture. The cards are easily recognizable and their meanings are undoubtedly clear to anyone in Western Civilization seeing that they represent different aspects that have an influence living on this planet as a human. They are well-established characters being part of our heritage for thousands of years like the Devil, Hermits, the Emperor, and Lovers.

The other Major Arcana cards are easily identified seeing that their meanings are obvious as soon as we see them like The Hangman, Chariots and the Wheel of Fortune. In Tarot Divination you should pay attention to the Major Arena cards because they not only declare the Archetype but show you how much weight attribute to it. Someone important enters the scene or a very important situation is imminent.

The Major Arcana cards are not about normal things but show a serious situation or force entering your life and must be taken very seriously. So pay attention when a Major Arcana card appears in your hand!

Tarot cards in the Major Arcana and their meaning

  • The Fool (Archetype: Innocence - carefree ignorance). Blissful carelessness and the power of ignorance.
  • The Magician (Archetype: Wizard - passing the plausible) A magical solution but it may be an illusion.
  • The high Priestess (Archetype: Secret - hidden influence). Secrets and undefined circumstances stand in the way and must be understood.
  • The Empress ( Archetype: Benefactor - gentle power). The benevolent power which governs, almost unnoticed and seldom opposed.
  • The Emperor (Archetype: Supreme power - irresistible ruler). You are up against real power, so yield or suffer the consequences.
  • The Hierophant (Archetype: Priest - spiritual authority). Dependence on approval from a supreme dignity.
  • The Lovers (Archetype: Love - intense affection). Intense mutual attraction while it lasts.
  • The Chariot (Archetype: Conqueror - success, even with resistance). Triumph but beware of what might come in the long run.
  • Strength (Hero- great achievement). A strength that is superior because of the skillful application thereof
  • The Hermit (Archetype: Solitude - isolation). Lesson learned but a situation of solitude.
  • Wheel of Fortune (Archetype: Chance - the unpredictable). The outcome is not sure with an aftermath that must be considered
  • Justice (Archetype: Judge - rule of law). Justice is not always fair.
  • The Hanged Man (Archetype: Martyr - Sacrifice). A great personal sacrifice that does not hurt much.
  • Death (Archetype: Grim reaper - coming to an end). The death of someone that is a costly loss but not always.
  • Temperance (Archetype: Patience - Time passes). Moderation in all is ultimate persistence.
  • The Devil (Archetype: Archfiend - nemesis). The pain and delight when giving in to temptation.
  • The Tower (Archetype: Destruction - failure). A major ambition that ends in destruction.
  • The Star (Archetype: Distance - unreachable). Time to wait and consider, decide what’s precious and what’s not.
  • The Moon (Archetype: Soul - longing) Longing and hoping for fulfillment
  • The Sun ( Archetype: Ability - triumph). Great resources at your disposal but refrain yourself since it is impossible to have too much.
  • Judgment (Archetype: Result - final outcome). The ultimate judgment whether we are ready for it or not.
  • The World (Archetype: Opportunity - success at hand). Success is anything worldly but not for free.

The Minor Arcana.

There are four Suits in the 56 Tarot cards of the minor Arena called Wands, Pentacles (Coins), Swords and Cups. Each Suit of 14 cards has a general meaning and every card got its own meaning in divination.

History and Origin of Tarot cards

Tarot cards appeared in 1440 in Europe and initially, it was used playing card games whereas Playing cards were introduced by the Chinese in the 9th Century. During the 16th Century, the Tarot cards were used for Divination in Europe. Each card was given a Divination meaning and this phenomenon grew rapidly during the following Centuries. The shape of the Tarot card has evolved and changed through the Centuries. Today, the use of Tarot cards are spread all over the globe and are only used for Fortune Telling nowadays.

The following are examples of Tarot Card Decks through the ages:

Charles VI Tarot card deck

This is one of the oldest Tarot Card decks still remaining and is named after a French King. It was made in Italy however and that was well after the King’s death. The Cards were hand-painted in Italy by an Unknown Artist. These cards were Gold plated and if it wasn’t made for the King it was definitely made for someone with ample financial means. Only 17 of the Cards are still in the Deck.

Visconti - SforzaTarot card deck.

This old Tarot card deck was made for an Italian Nobleman and, named after him in the 15th Century. It was actually a number of decks but none of them is still complete.

Tarot of Marseille card deck.

This is a standard design for Tarot cards given the name by a French Occultist, Papus, during the 19th Century. Quite a lot of these Tarot cards decks were produced in Marseille. The images on the cards suggest a Renaissance origin. The design is from Italy and that is where the French got it from. These Tarot decks still produced in its original form.

Etteila Tarot card deck

Etteila was the first Tarot deck specifically designed for Divination was created around 1788. Etteila was born Jean-Baptiste Alliette (1738 - 1791) but changed his name when he entered the Occultist profession. He was the first Tarot card reader and was very good at it.

He combined symbols of ancient Egypt, Astrology and other esoteric symbols that were available at that time. His work and theories influenced occultists for Centuries after his death as can be seen in similarities between Etteila Tarot and the Tarot of Rider-Waite that are discussed next.

Rider - Waite Tarot card deck

The Rider - Waite Tarot deck was produced in 1909 and designed by the Occult writer Arthur Edward Waite (157 - 1942) and the Artist Pamela Colman Smit (1878 - 1951) The name of the original Publisher was Rider.

It is a very charming Deck of Tarot cards and very much attention was given to detail. Waite as a learned occultist made sure that all possible symbols and archetypal settings were included. The Artist Colman Smith made all illustrations according to his instructions but with a fine artistic fling as if making pictures for a wonderful fairytale.

The Raider - Waite Tarot deck was unique in that every card had a picture that represented a sentiment or situation. That made them ideal or easier for Divination with a lot more fun. The Deck is available online on this and many other Websites but to hold the actual pack in your hands is a unique and very special feeling!

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The art is a combination of acrylic on canvas/digital painting/airbrushing/photography/collage and falls under the definition of visionary art. That is, art that transcends this physical world to portray a wider vision of awareness including spiritual or mystical themes, or is based in such experiences. In the artist's case, it is based in experience.