A Shadow on a Moonless Night

On moonless nights, a shadow lay

Dark and silent, in a secret way

Its form unclear, its presence grey

A mystery, in the darkness' sway

But none could see, this shadow's might

For it was invisible, without a light

It hid in plain sight, without a sound

A secret keeper, in the darkness around

No eyes could detect, its presence so fine

No soul could sense, its hidden design

It was a whisper, in the dark of night

A silent guardian, without a light

But then, the sun's awakening ray

Crept over the horizon, to start the day

And as the light, crept across the ground

The shadow's truth, was finally unbound

A daffodil, of golden hue

Stood revealed, in all its beauty anew

Next to a stream, of crystal clear

Reflecting its beauty, without a fear

Its trumpet blooms, a shining ray

Gazed at its reflection, in a loving way

Forever entranced, in its own face

A daffodil, in a secret, sacred space

The shadow's secret, now revealed in light

A beautiful sight, a pure delight

A symbol of hope, in the dark of night

A daffodil's beauty, shining so bright

And as the sun, climbs high in the sky

The daffodil, remains, forever nigh

Gazing at its reflection, in the stream's heart

A golden bloom, never to depart

But when the sun dips, and daylight fades

The shadow returns, to its secret shades

Invisible once more, it hides from sight

A silent guardian, in the dark of night.

Andries Coetsee

The Word Wielder