Puppet Without Strings

In silken folds, a secret slumber deep,

A transformation stirs, its mysteries to keep.

A caterpillar's humble form dissolves away,

Like morning mist, at dawn's warm ray.

Within the cocoon, a miracle takes flight,

A masterpiece of life, in darkness and in light.

Wings, like petals, delicate and pale,

Unfurl, stretch, and soar, with a gentle gale.

A butterfly, reborn, renewed, and free,

Emerges slow, its beauty shining bright and carefree.

Unsteady, yet determined, it stands tall,

Expands its wings, and claims its rightful call.

With every beat, its strength and vigor grow,

Its colors shine, like sun-kissed blooms that glow.

From earthy tones to radiant hues, it's transformed,

Its metamorphosis, our spirits reformed.

Now free, it dances, wild and light,

A whimsical waltz, in warm sunlight's delight.

No longer bound, by earthly ties that bind,

It soars, a symbol, of transformed surprise, entwined.

In this rebirth, we find our own release,

A chance to emerge, to spread our wings, to find our peace.

For just like the butterfly, we too can be,

Transformed, renewed, and reborn, wild and free.

Andries Coetsee

The Word Wielder